Monday, August 24, 2009

Mounting ext4 file system in Debian Lenny

Mounting using ext4dev in Debian Lenny

Many new distros such as Fedora 11 Arch Linux Ubuntu 9.04 are now offering ext4 file system as default file system for the root partition. But due to some development constrains many new-bees could not fully utilize the advantages of this new file system. Here is a tip as how to mount an ext4 file system using ext4dev in Debian Lenny.

In /etc/fstab file give the entry as follows.

/dev/sdxx /mnt/...... ext4dev defaults 0 0

If you get an error message while giving mount command
mount -a

then you have to set test_fs flag to the file system to be mounted using experimental ext4dev

as root type the following command in a terminal.

root # tune2fs -E test_fs /dev/sdxx

After setting the flag successfully you can mount the file system using ext4dev.